In this podcast, two long distance friends take turns teaching each other about their geeky interests and their queer, feminist experiences living in the world of nerd culture. Join us as we discuss nerd topics such as video games, tabletop gaming, anime, sci-fi, and fantasy as well as personal topics such as sexuality, growing up awkward, mental health, and our love for one another.

Sunday Jun 24, 2018
S1E13. Coheed and the Queerplatonic PolyAmory Wars
Sunday Jun 24, 2018
Sunday Jun 24, 2018
In this episode Diana finally blisses out over her long standing chemical dependency on Coheed and Cambria, femsplaining both the band and the story of the Amory Wars that coincides with the music. As usual, tangents include some teenage embarrassment, sci-fi tropes and problematic female characterization, and Francis the mansplainer's breakfast smoothie. Children of the Fence, man your battlestations, we're going home!

Friday Jun 15, 2018
The Homework Episode #4: Moon Princesses and Critters
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Friday Jun 15, 2018
It's time to be studious Femsplainers again. This time, Diana had to suffer through the offensive Clara episodes of Doctor Who, and the wildly emotional ride that is Sailor Moon. Avalon finally had a pleasant homework experience and is now firmly established as a Critical Role obsessed fangirl.

Saturday Jun 02, 2018
S1E12. Sex Toy TMI
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
In this episode, Diana and Avalon finally explore a little bit of the "sexy stuff" mentioned in the theme song by talking about sex toys! There's so much to know, and they barely scratched the surface this week, discussing taboos, sex toy parties, Adult Stores, and some personal horror stories. This topic is too big to be finished, but at least the cherry's been popped.

Thursday May 24, 2018
S1E11. Doctor Who Would You Bone
Thursday May 24, 2018
Thursday May 24, 2018
This week, Avalon and Diana geek out over their mutual love of Doctor Who, starting with the Davies era and ending with a mutual hatred of Clara. Featuring a great deal of crying about David Tenant, complaints about the teachings of the Catholic Church, confusion over what the Doctor does and does not remember, and debating over which alien species is most bonable, it's clear that this topic will certainly come back around once Diana catches up on the series.

Thursday May 17, 2018
S1E10. Sailor Moon says..
Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
In this episode, Avalon delights Diana with an epic geek out over the Sailor Moon series. There is a lot of excited yelling, personality quiz taking, and only one instance of Diana groaning in horror. Featuring special guests: Avalon's dogs and the Transformer boss fight happening outside Diana's apartment.

Thursday May 10, 2018
S1E9. Critical Role and the Adventures of Femsplained
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
This week, Diana femsplains the Critical Role twitch show and podcast to Avalon. Along the way they team up with other topics that become increasingly more tangental, like tabletop rpg Changeling the Lost, the show Supernatural, Geek & Sundry, Felicia Day, and my personal favorite: internalized misogyny.

Wednesday May 02, 2018
BONUS episode: Damsels of Femsplainington: Honey Heist!
Wednesday May 02, 2018
Wednesday May 02, 2018
In this off the rails episode of Femsplained, Diana and Avalon team up with the Damsels of Dorkington to play a one-shot drunk game of Honey Heist DM'd by Diana. The ladies play some crime-hungry bears hell-bent on stealing the largest supply of Honey the world has ever seen! Will they be successful? Will one of them betray the party? Or kill all the humans? Listen and find out!

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
The Homework Episode #3: A Warhammer Quest/Saga is the Most Perfect Comic
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
In the latest Homework episode, Avalon regales Diana with the epic journey of awkward social interaction and oppressive male energy she had to navigate to obtain a mini-figure, while Diana talks way too fast about her newfound obsession with the Saga comic book series. This episode was brought to you by: the alignment chart, violent camping injuries, and the word "pots".

Friday Apr 20, 2018
S1E8. Steampunk: Day Old Cat Face
Friday Apr 20, 2018
Friday Apr 20, 2018
In this mutual gasm of nerdy love, Avalon and Diana discuss Steampunk and the cultural phenomenon around the genre. Along the way we discuss Diana's old band, the 1990s batman flicks, Wild Wild West with Will Smith, and Avalon's new love of toilet humor.

Thursday Apr 12, 2018
S1E7. Saga: Shakespeare and Space Genitals
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
In this episode, Avalon Femsplains the Saga comic book series to Diana! Come along on a sci-fi fantasy adventure in which we revisit the Roswell television series, discuss the differences between Introverts and Extroverts, the anatomy of television-headed love-making, and Diana's one and only opportunity to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe.